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We are currently fundraising to build a sizeable hall for church and community use, right in the centre of town, next to this newly renovated historic church as in the original Victorian design. A new vision for town and parish!


To view our JustGiving page, to browse or donate, please visit



Fundraising News 

Here are a few ideas for you to sponsor, or to inspire you to run your own fundraiser for the cause. We do need your help!! 

You can email Frances at

Green Garden



Get your tickets now! Only £5 to get into all 9 gardens. You will find lots to interest you and you can have a cup of tea and a chat in very pleasant surroundings while helping to raise money for the hall building fund. There will be sales of plants and other items. Tickets, map and list from Frances



The Christmas Wreath Festival


Was a great success. Thank you so much to everybody who worked so hard to produce an amazing variety of wreaths. We welcomed around 200 visitors to our church. This was not intended as a money-making event and there was no admission charge, but we raised £703.17.

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The Plunging Parishioner


On Sunday 2 December, with incredible courage Rachel Cousen launched herself into space from 14.000 feet in a tandem skydive. This was the first time she had ever made such an attempt. Rachel looks set to raise over £1,400. An absolutely fantastic effort so well done and thank you Rachel! Donations are still being accepted.

Green Garden

Open Gardens Needed


Our Open Gardens last June was so enjoyable and successful, raising £800, that we are repeating it on Sunday 4th June 2023 so please put the date in your diary. We need volunteers so could you open your garden for one afternoon? It does not have to be a pristine, tidy garden for people to enjoy it and find interest. If you can offer some refreshments that's great but it is not compulsory. Ring 07790 631635 or email if you would like to know more.

Green Garden

Open Gardens - Sunday 12 June 2022.

Seven gardens open for only £5 admission to them all!


We are delighted to have seven gardens opening to the public between 11:00am and 5:00pm. The church itself will be open for visitors, with its small but award-winning garden, and we hope to welcome many visitors who will be able to see exactly why we are fundraising. Coincidentally, the new designs are floral-based! The Convent garden will also open from 1:30 pm, including the fields which the Sisters used to farm in the past, now uncultivated but a haven for wildlife. Move quietly and you might see a fawn! There are five other private gardens whose kind owners are waiting to welcome visitors, many with refreshments and plant sales available. We are being listed by Open Gardens UK. Tickets, a list and a map are now available and can either be bought on the day at any garden or in advance by emailing or phoning 07790 631635. They are already selling well, and we have heard from several people intending to make a walking day of it. It should be a grand, enjoyable day.

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A Mohican when the amount raised reaches £1000


I'm Friends of St. John's chairman, Frances Levett, and I'm tired of my lockdown locks getting in my eyes. That has inspired me to want to celebrate by having a special hair cut when our individual donations and fundraising total reaches £1,000. Then I will have a Mohican, and have it coloured red and green to match the colours of the original Victorian paintwork discovered on the sanctuary arch. If you want to see the new me, please donate!


UPDATE: We have reached our first £1,000 target! 

A marvellous achievement in only about 3 weeks. Thanks are due to all our supporters for their generosity. Now Frances has made a provisional appointment with the hairdresser on May 18. Vicky Clifton, who has cut her hair at home for many years, has offered to cut the Mohican, while Jane of Eclips has ordered Crazy Colours to colour it to match the Victorian paintwork. Keep your eyes skinned for the midget Mohawk!


We have set a new target of £4,500 (1/10 of the cost of the redecoration) - the fundraising continues!


UPDATE 2: The mohican...

As promised, once the target hit £1,000 Frances would have a multicoloured mohican. Well the clippers have been to work and the hair dye successfully applied.


Wouldn't it be great to reach £2,000 by the end of May?


To donate, and for more information on the project, please visit our JustGiving Fundraising page:

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-30 at

Bakewell Tart Sale


Friends of St John's Treasurer Ann Kirby has been busy with her rolling pin and mixing bowl. Ann spent a day making no less than thirteen large Bakewell tarts, which she sold to the worshippers at St John's on Sunday 28 March. All sold like - dare we say it? - hot cakes, and she raised £39.  Ann's Bakewell reputation had obviously gone before her!  A very appropriate reminder of the church in Victorian times, when the organist used to bring a supply of buns for the children once a month.

Ann's efforts were so much appreciated that she has decided to repeat the sale after church in the coming weeks.

Sponsored Walk now completed!


Aria Dunn, aged 4 likes walking in Melton Country Park, and she will try to do a 2 mile sponsored walk for the St John's sanctuary appeal. One of her difficulties will be doing the walking instead of playing on the climbing frames! Will you sponsor Aria? You can either donate via JustGiving (see link above) and mark your donation "Aria", or contact her Mum on Aria will attempt her walk this week. She has just cut her eye on the dog agility equipment in the park so maybe those play things will be less of a temptation! We will let you know how she did.


UPDATE. Aria completed her sponsored walk on Thursday, 15 April, raising £62.

She did a total of 2.1 miles round Melton Country Park, mostly at a run, which meant she needed an ice cream stop half way round. She was delighted to complete the route, but her legs were a little tired at the end, so she returned home on her Mum's back, shouting her triumph to the neighbourhood all the way. WELL DONE, ARIA!

Calling for your jewellery and watches -  gold, silver, platinum.


Go gold mining! Mary Cosgrove is collecting old and broken jewellery and watches to sell. If it's made of gold, silver or platinum there is a market for it. So look our your broken chains, grandad's broken watch, and single earrings. De-clutter and help the cause too! To give items, either drop the in St John's sacristy if you go to church there, or ring Frances on 07790 631635 (Melton) or Mary 07792 162518 (elsewhere)





Some time ago we appealed for you to bring in gold jewellery and watches, to be sold to help the expenses on St John's. We have just received a cheque for an amazing £936! Many thanks to all who donated items, and please could you all search in your cupboards for more jewellery and watches, even if broken. They may be hidden treasure!


Thank you all again.



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